Coaching - Alberta

Coaching in Alberta

Alberta Water Polo has minimum coaching certification requirements for all Alberta Club Coaches. These requirements follow the LTAD model laid out by Water Polo Canada in conjunction with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). The following chart highlights these requirements and are to be completed by January 31st of each season. 

AWPA Minimum Coaching Certification Requirements - LINK

All Coaches are required to attend the Referee Refresher course in September. This will include a coaches session to review all new rules and any rule modifications for the upcoming season. To register for this clinic, please register via your Club's RAMP registration page. If you are having any issues, email the League Commissioner

WPC Coaching Certification Information - LINK

Coaching Clinics - NCCP

The AWPA offers both the Community and Competitive NCCP water polo coach course through the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC). These courses are offered prior to the January 31st deadline every year. To register for any Coaching Clinics, please login to your RAMP Registration Account and find the clinics named below under Camp / Clinic Registration.

Clinic Name

Clinic Date(s)

Target Audience



Registration Deadline

Community Coaching Clinic
Oct. 19 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
Oct. 20 - 12:00pm - 4:00pm
*must do both sessions
  • U10 Coaches
  • U12 Coaches
  • U14 Assistant Coaches
  • U16 Assistance Coaches
  • Junior Coaches
October 18th

Vulnerable Sector Search

A vulnerable sector search is a background check done by the police on people that are expected to deal with minors.  The vulnerable sector search determines if an individual has ever been charged or convicted of inappropriate behaviour with minors.  It is important to note that this search is not a guarantee of appropriate behaviour in the future. It only records issues that have come to police attention in the past. Please contact AWPA if you would like an invitation to mybackcheck to have this completed. Background checks are valid for 2 years.

Respect In Sport

After a careful review of other sport organizations,  AWPA has decided that ALL Coaches, Volunteer, Junior, Provincial and National must complete the Respect in Sport for Activity Leader program. This module is only required once every five years.

If you have already completed the Activity Leader Program certificate, select "Import a Certificate" and follow the prompts.

Please click on the link below to access information and complete the easy self registration process.
Respect in Sport Activity Leader - Registration

Responsible Coaching Movement

Coaching Association of Canada

The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable, and justifiable. Its purpose is to protect participants (especially minors) and coaches in potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring more than one adult is present. There may be exceptions in emergency situations. 

Good practices to implement the Rule of Two

  • Ensure a coach is never alone and out of sight with a participant without another screened coach or screened adult (parent or volunteer) present.
  • Allow the training environment to be open to observation.
  • Ensure a participant rides in a coach's vehicle with another adult present.
  • Consider the gender of the participant(s) when selecting the screened coaches and volunteers present.
  • Eliminate one-to-one electronic messaging. Ensure that all communications are sent to the group and/or include parents
             INFO GRAPHIC

Making Ethical Decisions

All coaches who complete the Competitive Coach Course are required to complete the MED online evaluation in order to become trained. This evaluation is free to those who have completed the Competitive Coach Course which includes the Making Ethical Decisions Training.

Making Ethical Decisions Evaluation

Safe Sport Training

All coaches are encouraged to complete the Safe Sport Training. This course can be accessed through your locker profile on CAC. It is free and points are earned towards your professional development.

Safe Sport Training

Multi-Sport Learning Courses and Professional Development

Once certified, Competitive Coaches are required to complete 16 Professional Development points within a four-your cycle to maintain their certification. Courses can be found through either Alberta Sport Connection or the Coaching Association of Canada. 

Alberta Sport Connection
Coaching Association of Canada
Note: If you do not know what level of coaching you have or would like a means of keeping track of your certification please view the Coach’s Locker. This site is an excellent way to ensure that you have the correct level of certification. For more information, or if you have questions about coaching certification please contact Alberta Water Polo

Upcoming Events

Feb. 15, 2025 5:00 PM to 9:30 PM

WP4s Youth League - Edmonton
Kinsmen Sports & Recreation Centre
Weekend Three WP4s Youth League

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Feb. 16, 2025 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Winter League 14U - Edmonton
Kinsmen Sports & Recreation Centre
Weekend Two of 14U Winter League

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Mar. 01, 2025 3:25 PM to 9:00 PM

Winter League 14U - Okotoks Day One
Okotoks Recreation Centre Okotoks, AB
Weekend Three Winter League 14U

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